Thursday, 7 August 2014

Rio Total Body Deluxe Soft Wax

I bought this wax as part of my Superdrug online haul (see previous post), but I already had a wax heater at home. I only wax my eyebrows (bye bye mono-brow, and those pesky ones way above my actual brow) and top lip. I have tried and failed miserably at waxing my underarms, bikini line and legs myself, and leave that to the professionals at my local salon. However, after constant skin damage to my eyelids from various beauty therapists I now only pluck my eyebrows (super sensitive eyelids apparently!), and nobody can ever remove my top lip hair as well as I can so I prefer to do it myself.

The Rio soft wax is absolutely hands down the best wax I have used for my face in years, and removes hair easily without causing any skin irritation or the need to go over any areas again (I know I shouldn't, but I have had to when using a few other brands). There is no scent and the wax spreads well, meaning it is all lifted off with wax strips with one movement (again with some other brands I have had to go over the wax again to lift it all off, which has obviously irritated the skin).

The price point is great (currently £5.95), it is fantastic that you can get such a good wax from a drugstore (I am not a professional so do not have access to any local beauty/salon supplies stores) and I have nothing bad to say about this product whatsoever.

I will spare you the before and after moustache photo's :0)

Rio Deluxe Soft Wax Professional Hair Removal
You can purchase the Rio waxing kit from Superdrug for £39.99 if you do not already have a wax heater (it also includes a DVD, spatulas and wax strips, plus hot film wax (no strips needed to remove it). If you only require a heater, or only spatulas and strips I recommend Amazon or Ebay for the best prices, much cheaper than salon websites and exactly the same products!
If you have never waxed your top lip or brows before, I would strongly suggest getting a professional to do it first. There is a skill/technique to waxing (head to You Tube for hours of entertaining tutorials on how to/how not to do it!) and although it doesn't hurt at all when I do it to myself now, it did when I first started years ago. My skin cannot tolerate the pre-waxed strips that you warm up between your hands, plus I found they do not remove the hair effectively, but one of my friends swears by them- so you will spend time and money on trial and error before you find the right system and right wax that works for you.
Also, if you are planning on waxing your eyebrows for shaping purposes, please see a professional first and then you will be able to maintain the shape yourself. I speak from experience. I didn't wax them off in the 90's I plucked them into the 'trendy' thin line, they have never recovered fully and are permanently wonky requiring 10 minutes everyday of filling/shading/shaping with make up. Not cool. Don't do it. Ever.
Caiti xxx
*Product purchased with my own money*

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